24 August 2007

I'm in pain

I'm not injured or anything, actually I don't feel any direct pain. I am suffering for my little sister. She's running a 86km race around the Mont Blanc right now, they left around 12 today and she's supposed to be arriving between 10 and 12 tomorrow. Which means nearly 12 hours of running in the mountain. Yeah, I know that is totally insane, that's what we all said we she told us last year she wanted to run this race. She's been training all year long for this and has managed to come in great shape and that was not obvious from the beginning as she came back from Chile last summer with a few more kilos and not so fit. But she's been so brave and she's pushed her limits even when some of us may have doubted her ability to succeed.

One can follow the race online here and that is just what I've been doing the whole day. Checking where she was, when she passed each checkpoint, if there was people with her so that she wouldn't run alone (passing the checkpoint in the same minutes), when she was supposed to pass the following one, sms:ing like crazy with my dad who is over there with her. Around 22 or 22.30 she arrived in Champex where the participants could have a longer break with some food and water and etc. And now she must have started again and now she's going to run the whole night. If she makes it through the night, it should be ok because the last kilometres are going down and the most difficult will be behind her. But before that she has another 6 or 7 tough hours in front of her and it was the part she was fearing the most. Not physically but mentally, she was affraid of having a tuff time and I told her she had to load a maximum of positive thoughts, just as if she would put them in her pocket and that she should be able to take them out whenever she needs.

But I still think it will be hard and that she will suffer... and I can't help to suffer with her. I'm here, far away and I am crying because I know my little sister is in hell. And I hope she's fine. And I hope she will make it, she so deserves it. She's little sister but sometimes she's greater than me. She has big projects in her life and I am so proud of her for that.

Love you, G.


  1. 1ère de sa catégorie, woohoo!!!
    Gratianne est une véritable championne, c'est clair! Je dis chapeau bas, vraiment, vraiment, vraiment.
    Et il faudra que tu la félicites de ma part, parce que j'en ai même rêvé cette nuit!

    Des bisous ma belle... tu as de quoi être fière, et je suis contente pour toi!
