30 January 2009


Aujourd'hui Agathe fete ses 30 ans: bon anniversaire ma Gathoune! La semaine derniere, Astrid fetait ses 30 ans... merde ca commence!! Bientôt c'est mon tour...

Qu'est-ce que je veux pour mes 30 ans?

- Que Lucile, Melanie et Norore viennent le WE du 1er mai
- Du Hermès comme pour mes 18 ans?
- Un nouvel ordi comme mon frère pour ses 30 ans il y a 2 ans?
- Un voyage au Mexique?
- Une pochette YSL


- Une soirée avec tous mes amis (ca, ca risque d'etre dur... )
- Qu'il fasse beau
- Recevoir plein de sms
- Un super restau le soir
- Un jean Diesel
- Un super sac à main
- Un WE a Londres, Dublin, Madrid ou autre...

Ou alors: on s'en fout, 30 c'est juste entre 29 et 31, ni plus ni moins...

En stund för mig själv

Vissa äter Riesen innan de åker till nästa bygget andra tar en massage på Mandorla.

Igår skulle jag kanske träffat två vänner som jag inte har sett i väldigt länge. Men den ena var sjuk i början av veckan och avbokade. Jag hade ett annat alternativ om en business mingle kväll med en nära kompis som jag inte ser så ofta då hon är alltid busy busy. Men till slut skulle hon på en visning för en lägenhet med hennes man. Plötsligt hade jag ingenting planerat längre.

Vad gjorde jag då? Då klev jag av bussen på Prinsgatan, gick till Condeco och hämtade Té (en mumsig Sweet Chai latte för mig) och sen gick till Nordhemsgatan 67. Där ligger Mandorla, the best place in the world! Pratade lite med min kompis Marina som är ägaren, vi drack téet tillsammans.

Och sen, my friends, sen! Sen tog jag en riktigt sköööön massage. Jag har redan skrivit om dessa massage för länge sen. Man ligger i en sorts säng med varm jade i som rullar upp och ner längst ryggraden. Det är väldigt avkopplande. Musiken och doften i lokalen hjälper att slappna av, att glömma bort allt annat och att bara fokusera på dig själv och njuta.


23 January 2009

Home alone

Suis seule a la maison ce week-end. Gratianne fait du ski en Norvège, y en a qui s'embetent pas... Du coup je suis toute seule. Hier soir en rentrant, ca m'a fait tout bizarre. Bon ma soeur a eu la généreuse idée de se rappeler à mon bon souvenir en laissant son couvert du petit déjeuner sur la table... mais sinon, personne a qui parler, pas besoin de partager le canapé (mmmmh qu'il est bien c'ui la!), j'eteins quand je veux...

Bref, de temps en temps c'est pas mal d'être seule!!

22 January 2009

Cinema Cinema

I went to the cinema twice these last few days. And two VEEERY good movies. Or well, two movies that I REEEEALLY like I should say. These things are quite personal.

Last Saturday was "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" and I had been expecting it in a looong time. Brad Pitt, besides being the most handsome man on earth (Sophie and I have been crazy about him since we were 15...) is also a very good actor in my opinion. And always smart choices when it comes to his movie career.

I was disappointed neither by Brad appearance (despite having to wait some time until he reached the "right" age and appearance) nor by his acting.

On the picture below you can see what I would like him to do to me... "On peut toujours rêver" as we say in French ("you can always dream" or "it doesn't hurt to dream" something like that). :-p

And yesterday I went to see Australia. Wasn't disappointed either. This film is exactly what I like about movies and going to the cinema. An escape. An invitation to travel. Yesterday I travelled through Australia for 2.45 min for around 10€. That's what I call a bargain!! The movie has splendid images and landscape and I love Baz Luhrmann the director: he is the guy who did Romeo + Juliet and Moulin Rouge.

As a bonus, I travelled through time. The movie takes place in Australia (really with such a name? :p) during WWII and one can see what happened there. As a European citizen, I learn about second world war at school but mostly about what happened in Europe. And especially about what happened in France with the D-Day and so on being French. One thing that stroke me when the war hits Darwin is that the houses were all in wood in opposition to Europe where houses where in stones and bricks. It gave the impression that people were even more vulnerable to these attacks coming from the sky...

No Hugh Jackman on the picture below, I just like Baz Luhrmann's graphic style. But Hugh is welcome to take the same liberties as Brad here above...

19 January 2009

Obama & I

Moi j'achète mes meubles chez Ikea, comme Obama...

Jag handlar på Ikea, liksom Obama...

I buy my furnitures at Ikea. Obama too.

(Source: 20minutes.fr)

15 January 2009


Yesterday I went home early. I was expecting my soffa that I ordered in November. The guys delivered it, carried it to the flat, put it together, all this in less than 15 min! The flat is not exactly the same as on the picture, I don't have the "corner"-model but the normal straight one.2,5 months is a long time to wait, but it was worth it. The soffa is grrrrreat! Wonderful. After the guys left, I sat in it and started daydreaming...

And pfuit! 15 min were gone! So I went up, changed clothes, freshened up my make-up and went downtown to meet Male & Brenda for a fika. Nice chit-chat about our respective Xmas holidays, about our ski trip coming and about the plan "Alps 2010".

Then I was picked up by my special friend for our little Xmas dinner. Better late than never! Good food, good wine (was mine, hehe!), good music... and very good company of course! ;-)

14 January 2009


In February I have the opportunity to go and ski in Åre in Sweden. Looking forward to iiiiit!!! The thing is it can be up to (or down to I should say) -20 degrees...

(Source: http://www.totthotelare.se)

08 January 2009

Blocket är bäst!

Klicka på bilden för att se den större och läsa texten.

Source: http://www.bestofblocket.se/

I fell in the trap

Yesterday I fell in the trap again... On Monday I went to the gym for the first time in almost 3 weeks. I was a bit scared because it was my Monday step class but the first one without our favourite instructore Mikael. He announced in December that he was not going to have the class after Xmas. We were a little bit surprised and very disappointed, how were going to do without him? Then I reflected and realised, I had been having this class for more than 2,5 years. Woaw!!! Tell me about loyalty.

But I went there and the new girl is good too. It's not the same but I had a good time and I know it will be fun as well. And I realised how fast you loose your condition! The steps were easy or it's just that I am used to it but breathing? Aouch! That was hard in the end! Good to be back in the gym and to start sweating again.

I thought I would go there yesterday if I wasn't meeting my friend. As I didn't get any answer by the time I was already on my way home, I went to the supermarket quickly to buy some milk and bought, I know it's baaad, some cashews with chocolate on. Mmmh so good! And when I came home, I knew I wouldn't go out again... so I just watched TV eating my cashews.... No gym, I had fallen in the trap again.

So today, I didn't make the same mistake again. Today I took my gym clothes with my to the office. So that when I leave the office (turn time, turn! Faster please!) I go diiiirectly to the gym and no more excuse, Im tired and bla bla bla... Today I sweat! And maybe even a little bit more in the sauna after the shower. Mmmmh, one of the good things of winted, I love sauna!

05 January 2009

Back to work

Vill inte...

J'ai pas envie...

Don't want to...


I wish you all the very best for 2009. As one on my good friend wrote: may the best of 2008 be the worst of 2009.

Any new year resolutions?

I usually don't take any because that's the kind of things you forget after two weeks. And I feel that I don't need to wait until the 1st of January in order to decide to improve my habits or stop the bad ones. I just remind myself of my way of living my life: live healthy, enjoy life, be a good friend, go to the gym, this kind of small things... It's easier to focus on "going the right way" rather than trying to achieve some goals that are sometimes impossible to reach.