10 February 2008


Sometimes it's good to skip going to the cinema to see a movie. This time was no exception.

Bad bad bad...

I like the way of filming and the light and the colours and the graphics and the find of "surreal" effects that matches the story being a tale.

But the naked guys... please! Would it be possible to have more oil in order to get these pecs a bit more greasy and shiney? And the leather underwear, what's that? Were really men going around naked in Ancient Greece? Nah... don't think so!

Then there was all kind of references / inspiration to other movies some of them working better than others. The king with his wife in the wheat fields with his wife: Gladiator, especially with the music, working. The black turtle ninja? Not working... The strange creatures and the elephants: The lord of the rings, kiiinda working. Some other creatures were even Caro & Jeunet inspired. The hunchback, a bit too Notre-Dame, especially with the dancers/hookers in the kind of bordello... not really working. But before I saw him as a hunchback, the first thing that came to my mind was: Gollum! God, Gollum escaped New Zealand and the Middle-Earth and reached Greece... DEEEFINITELY NOT WORKING!

The story is very romanced but still based on history. And that makes it a good point. At least the Americans will have learned something. As for me, nothing new, just refreshing my memory from History classes from school when I was 13 or 14. An illustrated refreshment.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10/2/08 20:24

    ben j'avais pas envie de le voir, la encore moins!!!
