28 November 2008
25 November 2008
Secret lover?

So now I am wondering who is buying me flowers??? I have never received any and I think it will be difficult to focus on my job this afternoon.
Aaaah so exciting!!!!
Edit 28th of Nov: the flowers were white so I was quite right but they were sent from the real estate agent who sold me the flat. Really nice from Aleksandra but not that exciting any longer... well, well, I won't complain they're really nice!
18 November 2008
Såg en artikel i Metro igår och där fanns denna foto. Tyckte att den var ganska briljant. Frågan är: såg dem det jag såg?

I fall ni inte ser: det står "skiljas?" och det är en reklam för en advokatbyrå i Göteborg som är specialiserad inom skäiljmässa och liknande familj-tråkigheter... Passar perfekt på en bröllop bild!
11 November 2008
09 November 2008
Directly from home
Yes yes yes! I'm posting from home!!! Here we go again my friends!
So what's been happening to me lately: as you know I have moved and been trying to fix the new flat. It was a bit slow in my opinion but that's not easy when you don't have a car and when you're working all day. But we're making progress and we're getting there.
Left now:
-put up the bar table
-get the last two stools
-put up the mirror and the hat/scarf shelf in the entrance. (had the machine this week-end but didn't get precise information enough from my colleague so I didn't manage... )
-find the lamp covers for my room and the living room
-And mostly, order and get a couch!
And that's more or less it!
Otherwise nothing much lately: working (blah...), training (yay), going out (super yay)! And of yes! My mum was here 2 weeks ago. It was so nice to have her here! We didn't do much because the weather was terrible but just the fact of spending some time, my mother, my sister and me... that was a blast!!! We went to Tjolöholm castle, south of Gothenburg. Had never been there and it was really nice. Apart from that it feels we just ate the whole time haha!!!
So what's been happening to me lately: as you know I have moved and been trying to fix the new flat. It was a bit slow in my opinion but that's not easy when you don't have a car and when you're working all day. But we're making progress and we're getting there.
Left now:
-put up the bar table
-get the last two stools
-put up the mirror and the hat/scarf shelf in the entrance. (had the machine this week-end but didn't get precise information enough from my colleague so I didn't manage... )
-find the lamp covers for my room and the living room
-And mostly, order and get a couch!
And that's more or less it!
Otherwise nothing much lately: working (blah...), training (yay), going out (super yay)! And of yes! My mum was here 2 weeks ago. It was so nice to have her here! We didn't do much because the weather was terrible but just the fact of spending some time, my mother, my sister and me... that was a blast!!! We went to Tjolöholm castle, south of Gothenburg. Had never been there and it was really nice. Apart from that it feels we just ate the whole time haha!!!
07 November 2008
On a internet à la maison!!! Bon ca marche sur l'ordi de Gratianne et pas encore sur le mien, ca n'est qu'internet et pas encore le téléphone mais c'est déjà un progrès!!! Et demain, un gentil chevalier servant vient s'occuper de la montagne de cables au pied de mon lit et des box accrochées à ces cables et qui font une jolie guirlande de Noël. Y a même des ptites loupiotes vertes et même que ca clignote parfois!
Donc voilà, si tout va bien, ce week-end, je n'aurai plus de raison de ne pas écrire assez souvent sur ce blog...
Donc voilà, si tout va bien, ce week-end, je n'aurai plus de raison de ne pas écrire assez souvent sur ce blog...
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