15 April 2010

Still alive

Quick update to let you know I'm still there... Why am I not blogging more? I keep forgetting about it. And then it seems there is not much interesting going on in my life right now.

You know the usual routines: work, trying to go to the gym, trying to run for the half-marathon in 6 weeks (haaaaa, panic!), trying to go to be early.

But mostly: enjoying the nice weather we've had here these last few days. So nice! It's been quite a difference before/after Easter I feel. Imagine: we had snow until the 15 of March approximatively. Then we had a couple of days where the temperatures were around 6-8 degrees. Then I went to France for a week and now it's around 12-15 degrees. All this in one month! Ok we still have the crocuses so we're a bit late when it comes to vegetation but we're getting there!

And this week-end the weather is supposed to be terrible (bouh!) so maybe I'll spend some time inside and will have time to post a few pictures from my Easter week-end, who knows?


  1. le semi-marathon??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? la vaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaache!

  2. sinon un peu de shopping? butik kubik par exemple?

  3. Mais ma chère Parisienne, je l'ai deja fait l'an dernier!

    Isa: why not? Benetton aussi, j'ai vu une jolie robe grise le mois dernier, je vais aller voir si elle y est toujours. =)
