28 September 2011

Home sweet home

Where I spent the first two weeks of August...

This is the first picture I took when I arrived. More to come soon from these, as you can imagine, exhausting two weeks.

27 September 2011

Happy feet

What do you think?

22 September 2011


Avignon, end of July 2011

15 September 2011

Geeka & Fika

This is what I am going to do every other Thursday this autumn. Meet with my Geek Girls and blog together. You can talk and get some inspiration, get some help with you blog when you want to change the theme, put some plug-in, start a wordpress blog... anything. Or just have a cup of coffee and relax with nice people. Me like! 

If the title sounds like Chinese to you, it's normal, it's in Swedish. Geeka comes from geek as you might have understood, we took the word and made it a Swedish verb. And fika is one of my favourite Swedish word, it stands for gathering, eating a bite and having some coffee or tea. That's what we do: eat & drink, talk (a lot) and blog.

07 September 2011

Someone like you

If by the end of the song you're not crying or at least feeling an aching stomach, then you either deaf or you have a heart of stone... 

06 September 2011

The world's proudest sister

Do you remember when my sister was running for 80 or 90 km two or three years ago? If not you can read about it here, here and here.

Well, forget about that now. How about:
- leaving from Chamonix, all around the Montblanc through France, Italy, Switzerland and to go back to France and back to Chamonix
- 170 km
- 9700 m of positive altitude change
- max 46 hours to complete

Pretty crazy, uh? Well... 
As you can guess from the smiles on our faces, these pics are from the finish line where the world's best sister arrived after 44h and 10 min.

I am not going to write more about it. First because Gratianne will, hopefully, in a couple of days and she does that better than me [will give you the link if you're interested). And then, because it's something I shared with my parents, my brother and with her and I kind of want to keep it that way, wonderful memories that are just ours.

But one thing I can say: I am the world proudest sister!

03 September 2011

Clin d'oeil

Tous les ans à la mi-août se passe l'un des événements les plus attendus de l'année en Suède: la parution du nouveau catalogue IKEA. Il est distribué dans toutes les boites aux lettres. C'est d'ailleurs le livre le plus imprimé au monde, encore plus que la bible: incroyable! 

J'ai donc recu le mien et en le feuilletant je suis tombée sur cette page. Une très bonne copine adore le violet, si elle pouvait, elle ne s'habillerait qu'en violet, aurait toute sa vaisselle en violet, repeindrait son appart dans les tons de mauve, lilas, parme, fuschia, etc. Bref, vous voyez le genre....

Ma DD, file chez IKEA!