20 May 2010

The thin blue line

Can you see the blue line on the road? On Saturday, I'm going to follow it for 21,098km. Yep! 21,098 that's the official length of a semi-marathon. And on Saturday it's time for Göteborg's semi, one of the largest in the world with more around 58.000 participants. And me! :)


  1. Heja heja Lorraine!!

  2. ouahhh !
    tu m'épateras toujours ma Lolo...!

  3. Isa: merci! Tu es la seule personne que je connaisse que j'ai vu sur le parcours, ca m'a fait plaisir!

    Matt: merki coupain!

    Ninie: 2h23, récit ce soir ou demain.
