31 March 2008

A moitié vide ou à moitié plein?

Au lieu d'ecrire, je devrais être en train de faire ma vaisselle et ma valise et me coucher tôt. Je me lève à 6h demain matin et apres on part pour Stockholm pour un salon pour quelques jours. Du coup, je risque de ne rien écrire avant ce week-end. J'ai pas beaucoup écrit ce mois-ci. D'une part parce que certains soirs j'avais la flemme mais aussi parce que je n'étais pas toujours là et j'étais pas mal occupée. J'ai l'impression de bouger beaucoup ces derniers temps. D'un côté c'est relou car j'ai pas le temps d'aller à la gym autant de fois par semaine que je voudrais, pas le temps (ou la flemme) de télécharger mes photos depuis mon appareil photo, pas le temps de traduire le site internet que je suis sensée traduire donc...

Mais d'un autre coté, ca veut dire que le temps passe vite et que du coup, toutes les bonnes choses qui m'attendent ces prochaines semaines va arriver plus vite... une en particulier, même si c'est la seule pour laquelle la date n'est pas encore fixée.

Plus vite! Plus vite! Plus vite!

30 March 2008

Lugn helg

Gjorde inte så mycket i helgen. Med tanke om hur mycket jag gick förra helgen i Amsterdam och att vi har en mässa till i Sthm nu i veckan och att jag kommer att stå hela dan var det inte så dumt att ta det lugnt.

Gjorde ingenting i fredags. Igår gick jag en sväng in till stan och fyndade lite på Lagerhaus. Kollade lite kläder på H&M men orkade inte ens pröva nåt så det gick snabbt. Fikade själv på Wayne's, det påminnde mig om alla goda stunder i Halmstad. Där var vi stammisar på Wayne's, det var där man träffades i stan, helt enkelt!

På kvällen tittade jag på försoning. Gud vilken bra film. Väldigt bra spelat. Av alla. Den lilla tjejen är underbar. McAvoy är grym också. Jag såg honom i "the Last king of Scotland" förra året. En vldigt duktig skådispelare. Keira är bra med. Synd att man har sett henne så mycket för ett par r sen som gjorde att man tröttnade på henne direkt....

Idag träffade jag Manu. Fika och tjejsnack. Gud vad skönt! Det var länge sen vi umgicks bara vi två. :)

26 March 2008


I'm back from Amsterdam but I want to go back...

Fell in love with the city. Definitely a town where I could live. Some people sometimes ask me about my plans after Sweden. First of all I don't know how long I will stay here... but after that, I don't think I will return to France directly. Madrid, New York and London were towns on my list.

I've added Amsterdam.

Pictures coming soon.

21 March 2008

Happy Easter

Tomorrow I'm off to Amsterdam for a few days, yipeeeeee! I've been looking forward to this trip for a long time.

See you!!

18 March 2008

The end of an era

Today, in Paris, there was the funeral of Lazaro Ponticelli. You don't know who that is? Not a big surprise, he wasn't a celebrity. He was the last man to have fought in the WWI for France between 1914 and 1918 that was still alive. He was actually born in Italy but moved to France and adopted the country and decided to fight and defend it. He passed away a few days ago. In the beginning he refused to get a national funeral as the French government wanted to give him ut in the end he accepted as an hommage to all the others that fought with him.

There are 8 people left in the world that fought in WWI but no one left in France, the one before him passed away in January. His passing away marks the end of an era in France.

Here is an excerpt of an article read on www.20minutes.fr:
La scène est symbolique. Deux adolescentes cherchent une place sous les arcades de la cour d'honneur des Invalides, à Paris, où la Nation rend hommage à Lazare Ponticelli, dernier des poilus décédé la semaine dernière à l'âge de 110 ans. Elles se heurtent à la foule compacte qui a investi les lieux. Alors, deux personnes âgées les remarquent et leur cèdent leur place pour que les jeunes filles puissent voir la cérémonie. « Le plus important, expliquent-elles, c'est que la jeune génération puisse comprendre et ne pas oublier.»

In short it says that two teenagers tried to find their way through the crowd to see the ceremony. Then two elder people let them through so that the younger generation could understand and wouldn't forget.

When I think about what this represents for me, it feels strange. It feels that the war is finally over. That is ended only now. We've heard about the last few men in the last few years and it felt that I knew more about them that I knew about my great grand-father that died in that war. I knew about that when I was a child but then I had forgotten because we very rarely speak about that in my family. My uncle went to the ceremony today and told us about it by email afterwards. He reminded me of my great grand-father, that he had fought too for his country and died.

But if there's no one left to tell us the stories, how can we not forget? I hope, we'll find a way to remind us of the past, of the mistakes that have been made so that they are not made again and of the people that fought for their countries.

17 March 2008

C'est quoi ce bordel?

Hier il faisait super beau et super bon, graaaand ciel bleu mais d'un vrai bleu vous savez. Et ca changeait des derniers mois et ca faisait du bien. Et l'herbe reverdit. Et avec le jaune qu'il y a partout pour les décos de Pâques, ca faisait vraiment une belle palette de couleurs fortes. On en avait bien besoin apres 4 mois de grisaille et je me disais que le printemps était enfin en train d'arriver.

En plus sur le chemin en rentrant du centre ville, j'ai vu plein de crocus dans l'allée. Pas de jaunes mais des violet foncé, violet super clair et des blancs. C'était super beau.

Mais voilà, la Suède est un pays surprenant au niveau de la météo. Surprenant pas dans le sens intéressant ni merveilleux mais dans le sens que vous ne pouvez jamais savoir ce qui vous attend. Ce matin en me levant, j'ai regardé par la fenêtre et l'espace d'un instant j'ai cru rêver. Mais vraiment. Au premier sens du terme. Quand ce que vous voyez ne peut raisonnablement pas être vrai.

Car ce que je voyais par la fenêtre c'était du blanc. Du blanc partout, qui recrouvre tout. Et qui continuait à tomber du ciel. De la NEEEEEEIGE!!! Le 17 mars. Putain! Moi qui m'était résolue depuis longtemps qu'on n'aurait pas d'hiver. Moi qui adore la neige et qui adore voir la Suède toute blanche. Mais voilà, cette année, on s'est tapé 4 mois de novembre à la suite: pluie, froid et vent. Mais pas assez froid pour la neige. Juste un froid con. Et je m'étais dit, tant pis, ca sera pour l'an prochain. Et j'étais passé à la phase suivante, le printemps. Et il me tardait que le printemps arrive. Pour ressortir mon imper de demi-saison, virer les gros pulls contre des plus fins. Pour ranger les gants, bonnets et autres écharpes. Next!

Et ben nan... c'est pas pour tout de suite. On va garder les gants et le bonnet quelques jours de plus... La loose! Je veux de la neige en Janvier moi, pas en mars! En mars je veux passer aux choses suivantes!

Et le fait que maman me dise au téléphone "Ah bon? Mais ici on avait 25 degrés la semaine dernière..." n'arrange pas les choses, vous vous en doutez bien!!! ;-)

16 March 2008

And the winner is...

OK, apparently it wasn't too hard. The fact that is was a close portrait made it easy for everyone. So YES I was at the hairdresser last Saturday and yes she cut my hair "dégradé" but I already had it before so this wasn't really new, just freshened up.

The big change is the colour, I'm much blonder now, she did some highlights and coloured also the whole hair a tone blonder.

... And the winners are:

Manny is coming to me in April so I'll just skip Avignon. Anonymous, well, I don't know where you live so....

Halmstad next!!!! Vickie, what about me coming down for a Saturday in April or May? :) Vi hörs!

13 March 2008

This week

Program of the week so far:

work / gym / work / gym / work / gym... Feels like I haven't done anything else...

And program for the rest of the week:

work (yes, just a little bit more) / launch at Mandorla's massage (yeah the divine thing I've been telling you about) / sleeeeeep on Saturday morning / SPA on Saturday afternoon / Mexican dinner in the evening / sleeeeeep on Sunday morning / Nothiiiiiiing on Sunday.

Dunno why but I like the second part of the week better!!!

10 March 2008

See anything?

OK: quizz for you my friends!!!

What have I done this week-end?

(that shows on the picture, that is...)

The one that wins gets me to travel and meet you this year!

09 March 2008

Ooops! I did it again!

Today I was in town with my good friend Malin. Malin and I like the same things: shopping, clothes, shoes. Today we did the whole with a focus on shoes. Malin bought some really nice boots with reeeeally high and sharp heels!

I first bought a pair of reaaaally cool black varnished high heels with an open toe. Sooooo fashion right now! And with my chanel mail lack, my feet will look like a million this summer! =) And then I thought I was done when I found the best "fynda" ever! "Fynda" in Swedish means find a good bargain, you know when a gament or pair of shoes has had several discount levels. The pair I found today cost 50 SEK instead of 340 sek. 50 SEK, that's 5 euros! These are the purple on the picture below. Oh and the black ones were on sale as well. So I paid in total 550 instead of 1040 SEK. Nice, uh?

Oh and I never showed you the pairs I got myself in December and January, so here they are.

Found something common to all these pairs (except the purple ones)? The heels, the super mega heels! Yeah, that's another thing Malin and I have in common. The main characteristic a pair of shoes should have is that they should look good. We always laugh when our friend Christina tells us that she always goes for "comfortable". Comfortable is not in our vocabulary, fierce, nice, hot, fashion... these are words that are in our vocabulary!

My two hours with Johnny

Well, it all went well. Johnny was charming as usual. I liked the film, I like Tim Burton, I think he's a genius. How can he take the same actors over and over again (Johnny and Helena Bonham Carter, his wife) and still manage to create something new everytime?!?! When you watch the time, you don't think "Oh! it reminds me of Helena's role in Big Fish" or "oh! Johnny looks like in Edward and the Scissors hands"... not at all. It's all new. And it's good.

Another tour de force from Tim Burton: take a dark story of a serial killer/murderer in something that could be compared to Jack the Ripper, you know, in dark and gloomy London... and make it a musical! I was a bit curious about how it would turn out and on the edge of being sceptical I must reckon but it works! I just works.

The only minus about the film is the end. First, it's a bit long... you start to feel like you're reaching the end so you'd like the tempo to speed up a bit but it doesn't. And the end itself is... well it's good but some questions remained unanswered...

All in all, a great film, go and see it!

PS: A big bonus is Sacha Baron Cohen, he's brilliant! I've seen Ali G and like it, never seen anything with Borat 'cause I just hate the character and don't find it funny but here... Sacha is BRILLIANT!

05 March 2008

Johnny, dear Johnny

Johnny and I have a date on Friday. At the movies. Who's Johnny? Depp of course. Ok there'll be a screen between us but for two hours with Johnny, what wouldn't you do! ;-)

03 March 2008

Voyage Voyage

Janvier: Serre-Chevalier, France
Février: Düsseldorf, Allemagne
Mars: Amsterdam, Hollande
Mai: Stockholm, Berlin, Prague, à voir...
Juin: Grezet-Cavagnan, France (la capitale du pruno)
Juin-Juillet: maybe Copenhague, Danemark, maybe Florence & la Toscane, Italie
Août: Artigueloutan, France + Pamplona, Espagne

Bon et après je sais pas encore trop... mais avril, je fais quoi, je vais où?

02 March 2008

I did it! (part II)

More details about my week in Serre-Chevalier and especially about my offpist session that I wrote about here.

Le couloir de la Balme

The start... scary uh?

Once you're down, it doesn't look that terrible any longer...

01 March 2008

Pau = Pimpousse

Pau est-il l'exemple parfait de la France profonde où Internet arrive à peine? Genre on a plus besoin d'utiliser Trifouillis-les-oies ou Pimpousse-les-bains, Pau suffit... A en croire Neuf, on peut se poser la question, jugez vous-même.