29 May 2009


"La mode est un éternel recommencement", entend-on parfois. Quand on voit la mode d'aujourd'hui, on ne peut que se rappeler notre enfance et les années 80. On est donc forcé d'être d'accord avec cette maxime.

Mais jusqu'où va l'inspiration et où commence la copie? On peut se demander. Surtout dans le cas suivant.

Ci-dessous, ballerines en la possession de Madame Parisienne à New York lors d'un voyage a San Francisco à l'automne 2007, avant la naissance de mini parisienne. Possession à l'époque tout du moins car notre parisienne les a peut-être jetées depuis et remplacé par un modèle panthère qui fut l'objet d'un débat sur son blog...

Et maintenant les miennes, achetées chez H&M il y a 2-3 mois...

Z'en pensez quoi vous? Inspiration ou copie ou "le hasard fait bien les choses?

Source: profil Facebook de Mme Parisienne, hope you don't mind...

27 May 2009


En ce moment à Göteborg, il y a un festival du film francais au Hagabio, le cinéma d'art et d'essai qui est a 10 min à pied de chez moi (devant mon arrêt de bus). Hier, je suis allée voir Séraphine avec Romain (francais) et Katti. J'ai adoré.

Le synopsis: En 1913, à Senlis, non loin de Paris, un collectionneur d'art allemand, Wilhelm Uhde emménage dans un appartement pour y passer ses moments de calme, hors de l'agitation de la capitale. Toujours à la recherche de nouveaux talents, Picasso et le douanier Rousseau ont ses préférences. Il rencontre très vite Séraphine, la femme de ménage quadragénaire au comportement parfois inattendu. Secrètement elle peint toutes les nuits dans sa chambrée avec des matériaux qu'elle recueille elle-même dans la nature. Un jour, chez un couple de notables, le collectionneur tombe sur l'une de ses toiles. Intrigué par l'aspect visionnaire de l'imagination de cette femme, il va la convaincre de poursuivre ses efforts. Mais la guerre éclate bientôt et Wilhelm doit quitter la France. Dix ans plus tard, dans son hameau de Chantilly, il visite une petite exposition locale dans la région et retrouve l'un des tableaux de sa protégée.

Le film est sorti en France à l'automne dernier et Yolande Moreau à obtenu le César de la Meilleure Actrice. Je ne sais pas quelles étaient les autres actrices en compétition mais je ne suis pas surprise. Quelle performance!!

Si vous n'avez pas encore vu le film, louez-le!

21 May 2009

I (heart) Stockholm

Stockholm, here I come!!!

20 May 2009


No polar bears in Sweden. But still some bears. Aren't they cute? Wouldn't like to be too close to them though...

19 May 2009

Mon parfum

Lorraine by Lorraine Daum. Vous ne connaissez pas? C'est normal je viens de le lancer.
Le prochain s'appellera "Stars". Vous aimez la bouteille?

Si vous voulez dessiner votre flacon de parfum vous aussi, suivez ce lien!

18 May 2009


Busy busy busy. That's how busy I am these days... Look:

Monday: dinner with a friend.
Tuesday: coffee with a friend.

Wednesday to Friday: was in Amsterdam for work. Saw a few bikes.

Friday evening: La Bohême at Göteborgs Opera
It was my 30-year old birthday present from my little sister. Thanks G, I loved it!!

Saturday: I ran Göteborg semi-marathon, the biggest in the world, 53.000 participants. I did it! It took me 2.07.50 when I had planned 2.15. I am really happy and proud of myself!

In the evening I watched Sex & the City with some friends.
And talked on the phone with my mum as it was her birthday.

Sunday: I helped a good friend (and her lovely husband) to move from their flat to their house. I thought I had a lot of stuff but nothing compared to them!
Went home around 18 to help my sister with a BBQ she had for her birthday. Happy Bday sister!!

And now it's Monday and I'm back to work... boring. Thank God it's a short week and on Thursday I'm heading to Stockholm. Haven't been there in more than a year now. Looking forward to it!!

13 May 2009


70's or 80's? That was the choice people had at my party last Saturday. I chose the 70's of course! And wore a vintage dress that I found in my grand-mother's closet a few years ago. My sister rocked in a totally 80's outfit.

And on the right, my own piñata!!!

08 May 2009


OK. Let's give it a try.

I've been thinking about Twitter in a while and lately I've been tempting to try. Let's do it then.

My twitter adress is http://twitter.com/lorrainedaum.

07 May 2009


Nothing to tell or too much to tell? I don't really know... I guess it's too much to tell and too little time. Last week-end I had the lovely visit of two friends from France: my pruno and her husband. They got really lucky with the weather. I haven't downloaded my pics yet so I just stole two from you my pruno, hope it's OK.

When they arrived, I have to admit I hadn't made much plans, I just had ideas... and it feels like we didn't do much more than spend the afternoon on the archipelagos (north on Friday, south on Saturday) during the day and eat and drink in the evenings. They came with their hands full of champagne and vodka these lovely people! =)

I really had a good time and I think/hope they had too.

On Monday, I turned 30. Hence the number in this post. I had a really nice day. Last Thursday I got an enveloppe from my good friend Vickie telling that I shouldn't open it before the right day. Luckily I wasn't much at home during the week-end so I didn't need to pay attention to the enveloppe and to be tempted to open it. But on Monday I did and I found the most precious necklace made by one of Vickie's relatives. Vickie is from Kiruna in the north of Sweden and if I am not mistaken her family is sami. The necklace is handicraft. I also loved her card saying: "The good thing about your birthday is that today everyone is thinking about you", so true!

In the evening, my sister took me to a French restaurant called "Ma Cuisine". We had a perfect dinner from the South of France. Confit de canard aux cêpes, plateau de fromages et gateau basque. The chef is from Biarritz so it helps. It was really good, just like at home. A nice glass of gewurtzaminer to go along. And sweet presents from my sweet sister. :)

Yesterday I continued to discover the French restaurants in Göteborg with Cyrano. Finally! Indeed I pass by the restaurant EVERY morning on my way to the bus and every time I think, I should try it. My friend Oscar who is a regular apparently and now good friend with the boss gave me the opportunity. It was really good as well. French pizzas is their speciality. "But pizzas are not French, they're italian!" are you going to say now. Well yes, but in France we do them in another way, just like Sweden has its own way of making pizzas (a lot of everything, not that good). It was really good, the atmosphere in the restaurant really nice, and the company of Oscar (almost a neighbour) really enjoyable.

And this week-end, I'm having a big party. 70's vs 80's and people have to come disguised. I hope they play along. My dress is really cool. It's a vintage I found in my grand-mother's closet in Paris a few years ago.

Oh I can't wait!!!

Also because it's been taking quite a lot of my time (and money) lately. Yesterday I went a bought A LOOOOT of food. How often do you buy food for 40-50 people? Not often for me at least. And I was happy that my friend Brenda came (or drove me there actually, thanks again!) because she's the party expert and helped me with the quantities.

So tomorrow evening and Friday I am cooking, cooking and cooking too. Hopefully pictures on Sunday then.

In the end it seems I had a few things to tell. Just not too much time.

06 May 2009


Résultats des comptes:
- une 10aine de coups de fil (dont les parents of course)

- une 12aine de textos
- une 15aine ou 20aine d'emails
- une 30aine de messages Facebook

Les temps changent!!!

04 May 2009