29 February 2008

I'm back

I know I haven't been writing at all in 10 days. I was in Germany. With very limited access to internet. Been working 12 days non-stop. And now I'm back and sick...

will write more this week-end, 'cause it was a fun time anyway.

Auf Wiedersehen!

18 February 2008


På min blogg har jag en statistics funktion som räknar hur många besökare jag har. Den ser ni till höger. Man kan också se vem har besökt sidan (IP-adresser) och när och hur de hittade hit. De flesta är antigen mina trogna läsare (I love you) eller de sökte nåt på Google.

Och när man tittar på de sökningar som visade hit, ser man konstiga saker ibland. Idag var det nån som hittade till min blogg när han/hon sökte "äldre tanter med stora tuttar" fy vad äckligt!!!!

Så till alla perverts: gå vidare, ni hittar inget snuskigt här. Bye bye!

17 February 2008

I did it!

This picture is taken from the UCPA terrasse in Serre-Chevalier where I was a few weeks ago as you know. Nice, uh?

In the background, I've circled a small and narrow and although you may not see it in the picture, very steep corridor. Well, my friends, let me tell you that I skied this corridor. My biggest achievement of the week and my biggest pride.

At UCPA you get classes with teachers. But it's not like ski class when you were a kid, it's much better. 'cause even if you've reached a certain level, they still give you advice and recommendations on your position, your technique and so on to help you improve. And they push you. They push you the whole week to always make better. And they make you try things you never thought you were capable of. And when you actually do it and succeed, Gosh! How good it feels. Such a great feeling of accomplishment. And for that, I'm greatful to Sophie, my teacher. I'm greatful that she made do all this things and also that she made me feel that I was capable of doing it.

EDIT: click on the picture to make it bigger

14 February 2008

Guess what?

Someone declared his love to me today... Nah, I'm just kidding! I received Elle in my mailbox. That's today's news for me. Exciting, huh? Well, sometimes you do what you can. And it works for me. Every month I love to have this good news when I go home.

And guess what's coming up? Marimekko and H&M have a partnership and are making a collection together. Or rather, H&M will use some of the famous timeless and fabulous Marimekko patterns to design a collection for man, women and a line of accessories. ME WANT! ME WANT! ME WANT!!!!!

April, note the date, April, my friends. I'd better start saving (but as you read about me being reasonable this year, you know I can, don't you?).

This last one is a bonus just for you: not from the H&M-Marimekko collection but from Manolo Blahnik's inspiration. Wunderbart, no? Me like it vairy mouche!

13 February 2008

12 February 2008

C'est grave docteur?

La dernière fois que j'ai fait du shopping (entendez acheté) c'était le 1er week-end de janvier et j'ai acquis ce jour là une superbe paire de talons rouge. Des chaussures donc. La dernière fois que j'ai acheté des fringues c'était le 29 décembre à Pau.

Faites le calcul: 1,5 mois... 7 semaines sans shopping. Pas une seule fringue achetée depuis 2008!!! Ben oui dans ces cas-là c'est grave docteur...

Heureusement je me suis soignée ce soir. =)

Comme d'habitude dans ces cas-là, les pilules du bonheur H&M ont fait leur effet. Et ce qu'il y a de bien avec ces pilules c'est qu'elles ne sont pas trop fortes donc on peut en consommer souvent. J'oserais presque dire sans modération... mais il faut faire attention quand même, on peut y devenir accro...

Dans mon cocktail de pilules cette fois-ci, une robe chemise noire, des leggings bleu klein et une blouse turquoise. Un peu comme sur la photo. Mais pas trop quand même... Un de ces quatre je vous montre ma fashion-attitude.

Pffff! Ca va mieux!!!!

11 February 2008

Rumour has it

that some French stewardesses have some striptease in the cockpit. And rumour has it that it is people from Air France. Check for yourself.

So what do you think? OK she's speaking French but it's not Air France's uniforms, not the ones in Europe at least. What do you think: Air France or not Air France? Shocking or not shocking? Good publicity or bad publicity? Express yourselves!

10 February 2008


Sometimes it's good to skip going to the cinema to see a movie. This time was no exception.

Bad bad bad...

I like the way of filming and the light and the colours and the graphics and the find of "surreal" effects that matches the story being a tale.

But the naked guys... please! Would it be possible to have more oil in order to get these pecs a bit more greasy and shiney? And the leather underwear, what's that? Were really men going around naked in Ancient Greece? Nah... don't think so!

Then there was all kind of references / inspiration to other movies some of them working better than others. The king with his wife in the wheat fields with his wife: Gladiator, especially with the music, working. The black turtle ninja? Not working... The strange creatures and the elephants: The lord of the rings, kiiinda working. Some other creatures were even Caro & Jeunet inspired. The hunchback, a bit too Notre-Dame, especially with the dancers/hookers in the kind of bordello... not really working. But before I saw him as a hunchback, the first thing that came to my mind was: Gollum! God, Gollum escaped New Zealand and the Middle-Earth and reached Greece... DEEEFINITELY NOT WORKING!

The story is very romanced but still based on history. And that makes it a good point. At least the Americans will have learned something. As for me, nothing new, just refreshing my memory from History classes from school when I was 13 or 14. An illustrated refreshment.

09 February 2008

And another week...

Has this week flown away faster than the others? I don't know. But it went fast at least. Which is good considering how kind of sad I was at the beginning to be back to "reality" after my magical week. I think what made it harder is that we were living in a center where we didn't have to cook anything nor wash the dishes. The only things we did was:
  • wake up and get dressed
  • get some breakfast
  • ski for about 3 hours
  • have lunch (eat too much) and then sunbathe on the terrasse
  • ski for about 3 hours
  • come back for some tea and cookies (or hot wine) on the terrasse
  • shower
  • eventually play card or have a beer or both
  • have dinner
  • eventually have another beer
  • sleep
So even if it was active because of the ski, it was quite passive as well in the way that we just let ourselves go with the flow and follow this schedule, not too hard a one, every day. And by no cooking or no washing for instance, we kind of lost contact with reality. And there was no questions about job, bills, problems, responsibilities or this kind of pain in the *ss...
That's why it was hard to come back.

But now I'm back and there's nothing I can do about it. I won't long for another 50 weeks or so... so I'll focus on the positive things that are coming:
  • my little mexican is in town mañana!
  • probably a girls week-end next week (have two options actually)
  • than a week in Germany, ok it's for work but I'll see Beate and it could be interesting and bring a lot of interesting contacts
  • then pfuit! time will fly hopefully so that we reach Easter
  • and then direction Aaaaaamsterdam for the Easter week-end with my mum, nice!
  • and then it's April, May, June and the weather should be better.

05 February 2008

I knew it!

Jag visste det! Jag visste att det skulle hända... Har precis gått ner å hämta min tvätt och när jag skulle öppna dörren till det andra rummet tänkte jag "Faaaan!" See jag hittade inte nyckeln och insåg att den var i det första rummet! Jag visste att det skulle hända... Då gick jag och knocka på grannens dörr, inget svar... sen provade 3 till på andra våningen! Men kom igen 4 i rad som inte öppnar dörren... kan inte tro att det är ingen som är hemma. Speciellt en tisdag kväll. Och sen kl21 är inte så sent heller... Jävla asociala svenskar!!!! Luckily öppnade den småbarnspappa på min våning och han lånade mig sina nycklar.

All's well that ends well. Men jag visste att det skulle hända. I'm not Intel Inside, I'm Blonde Inside, I'm telling you!!!

Au menu ce soir

Un semla (genre de chou ou de brioche coupée en deux rempli de pâte d'amandes et de chantilly, voir photo) ce matin car c'est aujourd'hui mardi gras. En général je suis pas fan car c super plouf et lourdingue mais aujourd'hui c'était ma mission d'aller les acheter pour tous ceux du bureau et du coup je suis allée à la meilleure pâtisserie du coin et ils étaient (enfin le mien en tout cas) bons et légers.

Ensuite du saucisson fumé, c'est pas mal mais je préfère le normal surtout que j'en ai un de Toulouse qui d'après les dires d'Alex déchire tout....

Mais les cerises sur le gâteau pour moi today c'était un petit coup de pruno, ca me fait toujours plaisir et plus inhabituel et du coup encore plus appréciable 1h de morue... Quelle délicieuse heure! Merci ma petite morue! Au fait, tu sais que j'ai toujours les chaussettes (H&M, c'était prémonitoire!) avec les hippopotames que tu m'as offert il y a une bonne 10aine d'années! Du coup je pense à toi chaque fois que je les vois. :)

04 February 2008


Non je crois pas, nan!!! Pour ma journée de reprise de boulot j'ai fait un bon petit 8h-20h: comme on aime! Moi qui avait réservé la laundry room pour ce soir, eh ben j'ai tout bonnement raté mon créneau et tous les autres soirs de la semaine sont pris. Résultat: lessive samedi matin. Comment je fait d'ici là moi? Ben ouais j'ai plus rien à me mettre... J'ai plus qu'à sortir mon Omo, c'est magique, c'est si bien, qui lave sans se mouiller les mains...

03 February 2008

Back to Reality

I'm back. But I wish I weren't... The return to reality and good old Göteborg was a bit hard this time... Some of the reasons why are:
  • great people
  • great ski resort
  • great snow
  • amazing weather eeeevery day
  • Got to see my syster during the week-end and for a bonus during the week as well
  • 3-course meals every lunch and dinner (4 if one counts cheese and dessert)
  • no cooking and no dishwashing
  • great feeling of freedom
  • no problems or responsabilities whatsoever to think about...
  • beer or vin chaud on the pists for after ski
and much more... I might post a few pictures, we'll see.

But tomorrow I'm back to work. Last step in my return to reality.